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      Главная » 2012 » Декабрь » 3 » Методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) на тему: « Health is our wealth » учитель Хрулева Л.В.
      Методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) на тему: « Health is our wealth » учитель Хрулева Л.В.

      Методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) на тему:

                               « Health is our wealth »


      Пояснительная записка. Урок составлен в соответствии с календарно-тематическим планированием уроков английского языка в 6 классе. На основе УМК под редакцией В.М. Кузовлева 2010г. «Просвещение», рекомендованный Министерством образования РФ. Урок разработан учителем английского языка Хрулевой Лалой Владимировной


        Цели урока:  - развивающая: развитие внимания, коммуникабельности, способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия.


                           - учебная: развитие речевого умения (монологическая речь), развитие умения говорить на основе услышанного и прочитанного, развитие умения понимать на слух, читать с целью общего охвата и полного понимания прочитанного.

                              - воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, осознание значимости здорового образа жизни.

        Задачи урока:


      1.     Активизировать лексику по теме «Здоровье» в речи учащихся.

      2.     Развивать речевые навыки учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи.

      3.     Тренировать учащихся в аудировании и чтении.

      4.     Тренировать учащихся в работе в парах

      5.     Повторить грамматический материал по теме «Модальные глаголы»


      Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий


      Оснащение урока: УМК В.П.Кузовлева «Английский,6», компьютер, экран, лингафонный кабинет, презентация Power Point, карточки с индивидуальными заданиями для учащихся.


                                  План урока:


      1.     Организационный момент

      2.     Определение темы, задач урока.

      3.     Лексическая зарядка.

      4.     Речевая практика.

      5.     Аудирование.

      6.     Физминутка.

      7.     Практика чтения

      8.     Грамматическая практика.

            9.  Итог урока. Рефлексия.

            10. Домашнее задание.                      


                                         Ход урока.



      Ι. Организационный момент.

                   (Pupils greet their teacher.)


      2.     Определение темы, задач урока.

                    . Teacher (T): Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. You can’t be good at your studies or work well when you are ill. So the topic of our lesson is "Does health depend on you?”. Children, will you read the epigraph to our lesson? .  (презентация, слайд 1.)

                      Pupils (Ps): Health is the greatest wealth.

                     T: How do you understand it?

                     Ps: Здоровьевеличайшее богатство.


      3.     Лексическая зарядка.

      - T: I’m glad that you know something about the healthy way of life. But there are many other factors that influence our health.  (презентация, слайд 2 card 1 )

                   -- look at the pieces of information. What problem do you think each piece of information is about?  Choose the suitable word Tick  T-true,  F- false. You can work with your neibour

          card 1

                     Facts and myths about your health. 

      0) Garlic helps to make your heart strong .------ F

      1) _____    protects your teeth ------

      2) ______  is good for your nerves ------

      3) ______  makes your bones strong ----

      4) _______ is good for your muscles -------

      5) _______ is good for your eyes -------

      6) Eating only one type of food, such as _______, helps to lose weight, ____

      7) Some _____ can help to lose weight without  diet or exercise ______

       (garlic, milk, chocolate, green tea, carrot, banana, onion, herbs, grapefruit)


          4. Речевая практика

      . T: Besides going in for sports everybody must know simple rules about keeping fit. Let’s see how you know them.

      -          Do you do your morning every day?

      -          Yes, I do.

      -          How often do you clean your teeth?

      -          Two times a day .

      -          Do you clean your teeth after a meal or before it?

      -          I clean my teeth before in the morning and after in the evening.

      -          Tell me how often we must visit a dentist.

      -          Every 6 months.

      -          What can you say about walking?

      -          I think it is very useful.

      -          What rule do you know about getting up and going to bed?

      -          Be there on time.

      -          What about washing hands?

      -          Wash as often as you can

      -          What food must you eat to be healthy?

      -          Vegetables and fruits.

      -          Do you have medical checks very often?

      -          Every year.


         5. Аудирование.


             T: A person has fallen ill. Listen to the conversation between two friends and pay attention to the useful home remedies that one of them advises.

      Аудиозапись диалога

      P1:You look ill. You have a running nose, don’t you? Have you taken your temperature?

      P 2: I don’t fell well. But my temperature is normal.

      P 1: You have cold. Why don’t you go to the doctor?

      P 2: I’d like to, but I can’t. We have a test in maths.

      P 1: You’d better go to bed and take some medicine.

      P 2: I don’t like tablets. I’d rather use some home remedies: hot tea with honey and raspberry jam.

      P 1: Drink hot chicken soup. It clears the head and the nose. They say it is good for a cold.

      P 2:What other useful remedies do you know?


       T: Now, look at your cards and answer my questions: .  (презентация, слайд 3 card 2 )

      card 2

      -          How is hot chicken soup useful?

      -          It cleans the head and the nose.

      -          What is the recipe for nose drops?

      -          Hot chicken soup.

      -          What other home remedies do you know?

      -          Honey with milk, herbal tea.

      (. здание для слабых учеников  T. Find the names of seven illnesses, five accidents and nine parts of the body) (card 2-а)


      7 illnesses: appendicitis, toothache, the flu, stomachache, cold, headache, earache

      5 accidents: cut, burn, hurt, electroshock, broken leg

      9 parts of the body: arm, eye, ear, forehead, leg, foot, head, neck, shoulder


      6.    Физминутка.


      Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together.

      Stand, stand, stand your feet, stand your feet together.

      Shake, shake, shake your hands, shake your hands together.

      Smile, smile, smile a smile, let’s we smile together.




          7.   Практика чтения

      Т. Read the short funny story and answer the questions;(презентация, слайд 4 card 3 )

      card 3

                                                    "The last tooth.”


      Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!”    


      1.      Who liked sweets and ice-cream?

      2.      What did he liked to eat?

      3.      When his last tooth fall out?

      4.      Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth?

      5.      How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets?

      6.      Why was Tom’s mother  very upset?



      8.     Грамматическая практика.


      Работа над грамматическими навыками «модальные глаголы» Must / mustn,t  should/ shouldn,t (индивидуальные задания)


      T. The temperature outside gets lower and lower and in winter people may suffer from hypothermia. Will you give advice on how to treat people with hypothermia? (презентация, слайд 5 card 4 )




      .T- Let,s remember about your home work.  The are different situations in life, give a piece of advice.

         What should I do if.

      -I have a headache;

      -I have a cough;

      -I have a burn;

      - I can’t go to sleep;

      - I have a cut.

      Suggested answers.

      If you’ve got a headache, you should drink herbal tea or just have a rest.

      If you’ve got a cough, you should drink warm milk or take honey.

      If you have a burn, you should put the burn under cold water, but don’t put ice on the burn.

      If you can’t go to sleep, you should drink a large glass of warm milk.

      If you have a cut, you should use a bandage.




      Finally we,ll discuss the question: How to keep fit? 


       Suggested answers

      -do morning exercise every morning

      -eat more vegetables

      -do sport activities

      -walk more

      -do not smoke and drink alcohol


            9.  Итог урока. Рефлексия.

               T- Finally we,ll discuss the question: How to keep fit? 

                      Suggested answers

                    -do morning exercise every morning

                    -eat more vegetables

                     -do sport activities

                    -walk more

                  -do not smoke and drink alcohol

        T- Our lesson is going to the end. Thank you for your work. It was active and interesting. Your marks are fourth and fifth.


            10. Домашнее задание.                      

                   T- At home, please, write your notes with explaining why  you can’t come to school


      Список использованной литературы:

      1.     Учебник «English 6» В.П. Кузовлев и др., Москва, «Просвещение » 2010г.

      2.     Книга для учителя«English  В.П. Кузовлев и др., Москва, «Просвещение » 2003г.

      3.     Интернетресурсы/




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